Hello Glorious Souls,

I hope you are doing well this week. I am still energized, excited and inspired for this blog and the vlog that follows it.
This week our Animal Ally and Message comes from Puffin, which is The Fool in The Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck from Bernadette King. As you can see by the beautiful card the key words are ‘childlike wonder, trust and freedom.’ This is what the Puffin invites us to experience this week. See where you can leap off the proverbial cliff and soar into a new adventure.
If the Puffin is a totem of yours and has been around along time, you may feel a strong tie to your family and home. Perhaps you have stayed near them when the adventure called you father away.
Puffin may have arrive as a spirit animal for you with a specific message this week. That message could be to set off on a journey inward to discover more of your true self or your purpose in the present moment of life.
Or maybe you need some Puffin energy as a power animal to actually create some sacred time and space for self-compassion and love.
Whatever the reason you have stumbled upon this blog, take a moment to see how Puffin can aid and assist you on a new adventure.
If you want to know more about how to work with our allies as a totem, power or spirit animal click HERE for an article.
Have an amazing week and remember, “if you could see yourself as our animal allies do, you would be amazed.”
– Mitchell Osborn – Psychic, Medium, Tarot Card Reader & Animal Communicator